Advancing autism care remains a global priority, as over 2000 scientists, clinicians, trainees, and self-advocates gathered last week from May 9-12th at Rotterdam, Netherlands, for the 2018 International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting. Now in its 17th year, INSAR brings together top ASD researchers and clinicians from around the world to exchange and disseminate the latest scientific progress in autism research.
Excellent representation of MacART at INSAR gave members the opportunity for extensive collaboration and exchange of research within the international autism community. We are pleased to see many more presentations by MacART members this year than last!
MacART members took part in the following sessions – click on the title to access the abstract:
Oral Sessions:
- Social Determinants of Prevalence of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Population Level Study
- Including Ayesha Siddiqua, Eric Duku, and Magdalena Janus
- Parsing the Heterogeneity of Multidimensional Adaptive
- Including Eric Duku, Peter Szatmari, Terry Bennett, and Stelios Georgiades
- Predictors of longer-term language development in language delayed children with ASD
- Including Peter Szatmari
- Examining the “Turning Points” in Trajectories of Symptom Severity in Children with Autism
- Including Stelios Georgiades, Eric Duku, Terry Bennett, Paul McNicholas, and Peter Szatmari
- A RCT Tideglusib vs Placebo: Data from the POND Network
- Including Terry Bennett
- Predicting attrition in a longitudinal study of children with autism spectrum disorder
- Including Eric Duku, Terry Bennett, Stelios Georgiades, and Peter Szatmari
Poster Presentations:
- Estimating Social Communication Functioning (ACSF:SC) From ADOS-2 Data: Development Of An Algorithm
- Including Steve Gentles, Briano Di Rezze, Peter Rosenbaum, Eric Duku, and Stelios Georgiades
- Temperament mediates the relationship between symptom severity and adaptive functioning in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder
- Including Vivian Lee, Eric Duku, Terry Bennett, Peter Szatmari, and Stelios Georgiades
- Gender differences in narrative language in 10-year-olds with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Including Peter Szatmari, Stelios Georgiades, Terry Bennett, and Eric Duku
- Psychometric properties of the Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development in Preschool-aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Including Eric Duku, Peter Szatmari, Terry Bennett, and Stelios Georgiades
- Child and Parental Correlates of Participation in Sports and Recreational Activities in School-aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Including Vivian Lee, Terry Bennett, Eric Duku, Stelios Georgiades, and Peter Szatmari
- Trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms following ASD diagnosis
- Including Peter Szatmari, Terry Bennett, Stelios Georgiades, and Eric Duku
- Do Repetitive Behaviours and Restricted Interests Predict Later Cognitive Ability in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
- Including Terry Bennett, Eric Duku, Stelios Georgiades, and Peter Szatmari
- Symptom Severity Trajectories from Infancy to Childhood in Siblings at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Social Affect and Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors
- Including Eric Duku and Caroline Roncadin
- Is Early Verbal and Nonverbal Language Gain Related to Autism Spectrum Disorder’ Symptomatology in Infants at Risk?
- Including Eric Duku and Caroline Roncadin
- Assuming Ability: Synthesis of Methods Capturing First Person Perspectives of Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Including Peter Szatmari
- The Short Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT-10) As an Early “Red Flag” Screen for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A High-Risk Sibling Cohort Study
- Including Peter Szatmari and Caroline Roncadin
- Sex-Informed Neuroanatomy of Autism: Evaluating the Quantitative and Qualitative Models of Sex-Moderation in Cortical Anatomy Using Data from the Pond Network
- Including Peter Szatmari
- The Autism Speaks Mssng Whole Genome Sequencing Resource
- Including Peter Szatmari
Research was featured on a panel focusing on new methods and discoveries surrounding the female autism phenotype.
- Understanding the Health Care Experiences of Girls and Women on the Autism Spectrum
- Including Peter Szatmari
The McMaster Autism Team arriving at INSAR 2018 (pictured, left to right, are Stephen Gentles, Marg Spoelstra, Stelios Georgiades, Vivian Lee, Eric Duku, Ayesha Siddiqua, and Magdalena Janus):

Dr. Stelios Georgiades presenting Pathways in ASD Data, “Examining ‘Turning Points’ in Trajectories of Symptom Severity in Children with Autism”:

MacART trainee member Ayesha Siddiqua presenting her work with EDI data, “Social Determinants of Prevalence of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Population Level Study”: