Autism Speaks has issued the first in a series of annual, in-depth reports on special topics in autism – Autism and Health: Advances in Understanding and Treating the Health Conditions that Frequently Accompany Autism. This special report has gathered authoritative research on autism-associated health conditions, along with the latest guidelines on treatment and support for those affected by them. Click here to download the Autism and Health report.
We’ve chosen a selection of Autism Speaks’ excellent series of toolkits for families, friends and others supporting an Autistic loved one, to help them with everyday issues. The purpose of each kit is to help teach family members and friends more about autism and its effects on families, and provide resources and support to enable them to lead happy and successful lives with their Autistic loved ones. To see a full list of Autism Speaks’ tool kits, please click HERE.
Blood Draw for Parents
The Blood Draw Tool Kits have been prepared in two versions—one for parents and one for providers. These tool kits present a variety of tools to help parents, their children and health care providers meet the unique needs of each child, ensuring a more productive, less stressful visit.
Download the ATN/AIR-P Parent’s Guide to Blood Draws
Challenging Behaviours
Autism Speaks has created this Challenging Behaviours Tool Kit to provide you with strategies and resources to address the challenging behaviours to help support you and your loved ones during difficult situations.
Download the Challenging Behaviours Tool Kit
Dental Guide
Oral health is a very important component of healthy daily living. But for some Autistic children, oral health habits can be challenging. Autism Speaks has created a dental guide and video to provide tips for improving oral hygiene at home, as well as information about how parents and dental professionals can make a visit to the dentist’s office less stressful and more productive. Our hope is that this guide will provide information for families to help begin a lifetime of good oral care.
Download the Dental Guide Tool Kit
First Hundred Days (after the diagnosis)
The 100 Day Kit was created specifically for newly diagnosed families to make the best possible use out of the first 100 days following their child’s Autism diagnosis.
Download the First 100 Days Tool Kit for Young Children
Download the First 100 Days Tool Kit for School Age Children
Is it Autism?
Developed by Autistic adults, the Adult Autism Diagnosis Tool Kit was designed to help adults who believe they may be Autistic, as well as those recently diagnosed. This kit will provide an overview of autism to help you better understand the disorder and will hopefully clarify whether you should seek out a professional for a thorough evaluation.
Download the Adult Autism Diagnosis Tool Kit
Sleep Tool Kit
Many Autistic children have difficulty with sleep. This can be stressful for children and their families. This informational booklet is designed to provide parents with strategies to improve sleep in their Autistic child.
Download the ATN/AIR-P Strategies to Improve Sleep in Children with Autism Tool Kit